Monday, 1 April 2013

Archive log generation script - Hourly / Daily

The below script will provide you the daily archive log generation in GB.

Set lines 132
Column date format a20
Column "Size in GB" format 50
select to_char(completion_time, 'DD-MON-YY') "Date", sum(blocks*block_size/(1024*1024/1024)) "Size in GB", count(*) "     No of Archives"
from v$archived_log
group by to_char(completion_time, 'DD-MON-YY')
order by to_date(to_char(completion_time, 'DD-MON-YY'));

For getting the hourly generation of archivelogs, the below mentioned script will be helpful.

set pagesize 50000
set veri off
set colsep ""
set termout off
def time="time"                    -- Oracle7
col time new_value time
select 'to_char(first_time,''DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS'')' time
from   dual
-- where  &&_O_RELEASE like '8%' or   &&_O_RELEASE like '9%'   -- Oracle8
-- for 10g where  &&_O_RELEASE like '8%' or   &&_O_RELEASE like '9%'   -- Oracle8
Column "day" format a20
column " 00" format a4
column " 01" format a4
column " 02" format a4
column " 03" format a4
column " 04" format a4
column " 05" format a4
column " 06" format a4
column " 07" format a4
column " 08" format a4
column " 09" format a4
column " 10" format a4
column " 11" format a4
column " 12" format a4
column " 13" format a4
column " 14" format a4
column " 15" format a4
column " 16" format a4
column " 17" format a4
column " 18" format a4
column " 19" format a4
column " 20" format a4
column " 21" format a4
column " 22" format a4
column " 23" format a4
set termout on
select substr(&&time, 1, 5) day,
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'00',1,0)),'999') " 00",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'01',1,0)),'999') " 01",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'02',1,0)),'999') " 02",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'03',1,0)),'999') " 03",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'04',1,0)),'999') " 04",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'05',1,0)),'999') " 05",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'06',1,0)),'999') " 06",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'07',1,0)),'999') " 07",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'08',1,0)),'999') " 08",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'09',1,0)),'999') " 09",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'10',1,0)),'999') " 10",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'11',1,0)),'999') " 11",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'12',1,0)),'999') " 12",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'13',1,0)),'999') " 13",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'14',1,0)),'999') " 14",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'15',1,0)),'999') " 15",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'16',1,0)),'999') " 16",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'17',1,0)),'999') " 17",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'18',1,0)),'999') " 18",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'19',1,0)),'999') " 19",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'20',1,0)),'999') " 20",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'21',1,0)),'999') " 21",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'22',1,0)),'999') " 22",
       to_char(sum(decode(substr(&&time,10,2),'23',1,0)),'999') " 23"
from   sys.v_$log_history
where  substr(&&time,4,2)=substr(to_char(sysdate,'dd/mm/yy'),4,2)
group  by substr(&&time,1,5)

Not all the contents are defined/ derived by myself.
I have consolidated/added accordingly for ease of access.

Friday, 3 August 2012

ORA-609 : opiodr aborting process unknown ospid

The ORA-609 error is thrown when a client connection of any kind failed to complete or aborted the connection
process before the server process was completely spawned.
Beginning with 10gR2, a default value for inbound connect timeout has been set at 60 seconds.

This is also triggered, when a DB session is killed/aborted manually from the OS prompt.

Increase the values for INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT at both listener and server side sqlnet.ora file as a preventive measure.
If the problem  is due to connection timeouts,an increase in the following parameters should eliminate or reduce the occurrence of the ORA-609s.
Listener.ora: INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_listener_name=120

For more details -- refer to metalink note [ID 1121357.1]

All the contents are not defined/ derived by myself.
I have consolidated/added accordingly for ease of access.